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2022 CCEA Student Scholarships

The Citrus County Education Association (CCEA), representing the teachers and the education support professionals (ESP) of Citrus County, is offering 4 student scholarships of  $750 each.  Three of the scholarships are for one graduating senior at each of the three Citrus County high schools – Citrus High School, Crystal River High School, and Lecanto High School.  The fourth scholarship is an OTHER  School scholarship for a graduating senior of a CCEA member who does not attend one of the three Citrus County high schools –  example: A high school outside of Citrus County (parent/guardian works in Citrus and is a CCEA member but the child attends a high school outside of Citrus County). 

***AES students will be evaluated on their “home” based school – CHS, CRHS, LHS.

Applications must be returned by Thursday, March 24th.

click on link below to download an application.

2022 CCEA Student Scholarship Application

Following several weeks of ongoing bargaining discussion, CCEA and CCSD have reached a tentative agreement on the 2020-21 Economic package. The settlement utilizes the state’s Teacher Salary Allocation funds ($2.4million) along with additional Board funds to achieve a $46,000 minimum salary for all instructional staff, while ensuring that every instructional employee receives AT LEAST a $1,500 improvement. CCEA Support will receive .46/hour in addition to the annual step increase which has already been applied. All improvements will be retroactive to July 1st.

The volunteer members of CCEA’s


As is true of every year's bargaining efforts, CCEA is dedicated to ensuring all educators in Citrus Schools receive substantive and equitable pay raises. Each year seems to present a different set of challenges--performance pay requirements, Best & Brightest bonuses, etc--and this year is no exception.

The Teacher Salary Increase Allocation (TSA for short) is the latest iteration of legislatively mandated contraints on the bargaining of teacher salaries. The TSA funds are provided in the state budget for the purpose of increasing the minimum base salary for full-time classroom teachers as


Education staff professionals –identified as Classified and Professional Technical Support in Citrus County-- are valued and critical members of every public school community.

They meet the needs of the whole student, promoting quality education and fostering positive learning environments.

Education staff professionals ensure students achieve at their highest levels. They keep students emotionally and physically healthy and safe. They engage students and keep them connected to the larger school community. They provide instruction and academic supports, challenging and motivating students by


CCEA Membership Matters


INVERNESS, FL - August 3, 2020

In an effort to educate members and friends of public education on the candidate choices in upcoming local elections, Citrus County Education Association is launching a series of town hall webinars. Live streamed on Facebook Live, the town halls will be organized as a series of live interviews with candidates running for School Board, Superintendent of Schools, Supervisor of Elections, County Commission, and Citrus County Sheriff. 

All candidates for these local offices were extended invitations to participate, and CCEA is pleased that so many have chosen to attend